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2024-01-12 18:36:30
[abstract] Maintaining a laser marking machine on a daily basis is crucial to ensure its optimal performance and longevity.

How to maintain the Laser Marking Machine daily
The laser marking machine is a high-precision equipment and routine maintenance is very important to extend the service life of the equipment and ensure the quality of marking. Here are some maintenance suggestions:
1. Clean the lens: Regular cleaning of the lens of the laser marking machine is an important part of maintenance. Use pure alcohol or special laser lens cleaner, drop them on a soft cloth/cotton swab, and gently wipe the lens surface. Be careful not to use too much pressure to avoid scratching the lenses.
2. Check the cooling system: Laser marking machines usually require a cooling system to maintain a stable operating temperature. Regularly check whether the water pump, water pipes and radiator of the cooling system are functioning properly, and ensure that the water quality is clean and the circulation is smooth. If any abnormality is found, clean or replace it in time.
3. Maintain good ventilation: The laser marking machine requires a good ventilation system to eliminate the waste gas and coke particles produced. Clean your ventilation system's filters regularly and make sure the vents are not blocked.
4. Check the laser optical path: The laser optical path is one of the core components of the marking machine and requires regular inspection and maintenance. Pay attention to whether the laser output is normal. If any abnormality is found (such as laser intensity weakening), contact relevant technical personnel in time for processing.
5. Regular calibration: Calibrating the mirror and isolation plate of the marking machine is an important step to ensure marking quality. It is recommended that these parts be inspected and calibrated regularly to maintain accurate focus and marking results.
6. Replace consumable parts in time: consumable parts of laser marking machines include lenses, protective mirrors, isolation plates, etc. When these parts appear worn or aged, they should be replaced in time to ensure marking quality and equipment life.

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